It has been long since I posted. Part of the reason can be attributed to the rigorous life @ IIM Shillong.
It is really difficult to come to terms with the fact that you don’t get the fat package anymore which means the reckless spending and frequent credit card usage is out of the picture :( .. Worse still is the fact that you have to keep track of how much you gave when going in a taxi with your friends and how much each one owes the other. :) All these take me back to the By-2-cold coffee and light tea days of my undergrad monetary crunch. :)
It is difficult for people living in other parts of India to digest that we have to wear sweaters here in July and gets really cold in the evenings. Ceaseless rain is a normal thing here and probably this is the only B school where you can see students wearing business suits and also carrying an umbrella wherever they go :)
I can tell you, It is serious fun in an IIM with quality people all around from whom you can learn more than you can from the professors. In my batch there are plenty of people who can pull others legs at will the whole night and still come up with an excellent presentation the next morning!! :)
Here, there is a lot of stress on being ambassadors for this neglected north-east region of our country and I feel the atmosphere in this IIM is definitely different from the other IIMs where it is cut throat ugly competition which forces many people to consult psychologists. Here there is real impetus on healthy competition and concern for others. I just hope these values are exhibited in the placement season as well :)
Engineers start at an initial disadvantage as all the accountancy and economics sound Greek and Latin at the beginning but coming around this problem is not a big deal. Engineers often concentrate on arriving at the one and only correct answer but in management it is about analysing the various future options and analysing each one. Finally, after a lot of trade off, we arrive at a solution that is the best of all. Just a tweak in mentality is needed that is it.
The best part of education in an IIM are the case studies where a group works towards a solution and there will be plenty of new ideas coming up. I was never for group studies in my undergrad as I thought it was a waste of time but I have changed my stance after coming here. You don’t get so many fresh ideas in such a short period of time!
The most hated as well as the funniest aspect of a lecture session here is something called DP - Desperate participation. Every subject has marks for class participation and for this reason almost everyone tries to desperately participate irrespective of whether they understood the concept or not. The result is that such dumb doubts and restatement of same questions in myriad ways arise which would make any good professor frown silently :). All these remind me of Tamil comedian Vivek’s famous joke - "Saar,neenga verum daas a? ila lord labak daas a?" :) :) ...
I don’t know how my life will unfold after my graduation but am sure that these two years are going to rock in every possible sense and I am hoping to make the best possible use of the conditions here.
Hey Uma.. it's good to know few things about your atm... :)
woow .. a very nice post :) good that u enjoying ur studies .. these 2 years will be very memorable .. have fun @ the cost of a nice degree from the best colg :) !!
ReplyDeletemoney sure is a scarce commodity in any college students life :P.Dont worry ppl will soon realize that DP is a waste of time and hopefully shud reduce.. :-)
ReplyDelete@ Naval over da ithu :)
ReplyDelete@ Subs, Thanks yr :)
@ Kannan.. If DP does not reduce, I will turn into an animal in the middle of the class :)